Available demos

Try one of our available demonstrations

Autocompletion demo

This demonstration showcases a query client querying over multiple data sources fragmented using the TREE hypermedia controls, all in the browser.

Source code on Github

Visualization + verification tool

This application visualizes TREE and LDES fragmentations. It provides warnings for any non-spec compliant implementation. Use this Web application to test and visualize TREE and LDES fragmentations in your browser.

Source code on Github

Data oriented visualization tool

This application can be used to show low level LDES fragments to non techinical people. It mainly focusses on explaining properties for LDES member, and also shows the possible views that are present on the LDES.

You can try it out with any LDES for example try it with https://grar.smartdataspace.dev-vlaanderen.be/addresses.

Source code on Github

Live demonstration